Integrating Nature

To live close to Nature is to be part of it, even if we are physically distant. This is what Joana and Catarina seek to do with kreme, a brand inspired by Nature, in the course of rivers and polished stones by the sea, in the arteries drawn by dry land paths, in the colours of the sunset and in the aesthetic conjugation of the stars.

Harmonizing environments to our just measure

As with Nature, kreme is in the details, in the quality of the raw materials, in the design of each piece, in the rigour of the production process, in the search to offer articles that complement us as individuals, as if our home could be dressed with the comfort, beauty and serenity we wish for ourselves.

Slow down the pace of life

Wherever we live, we are the ones who build time, planning, organizing and controlling the steps of our daily life. We are the ones who decide if we want to live looking at the clock, forced to the despotic rhythm of the succession of the hours, minutes and seconds or if we want the clock to serve simply to guide us on the commitments we assume in our day-to-day or even, at best, to adorn the wrist, fulfilling its function as a fashion accessory.

At Kreme, the return to the time of quiet landscapes, of enjoying the flavours and smells of the earth is an inevitability imposed by the desire we feel to slow down the pace of our lives, an individual and social need that we cannot and will not want to escape.

A century of history, of multiple stories

Joana and Catarina grew up with family stories, like any children and young people in any family. One of these stories tells of the adventure their father started at the turn of the century with the creation of kreme, at a time when both sisters were still very young.

Later, when they entered university, they met kreme by chance and it was love at first sight. From that date and the explanations their father gave them about the suspended life of the brand he had created almost two decades ago, the two sisters decided that kreme would become a project they would take forward when the occasion arose.

Ahead of time

Kreme was originally created at the turn of the century as a brand supported by bold concepts for the time, such as the idea of dressing the home, the emergence of environmental, economic and social sustainability, the production of limited series, the adoption of what today is commonly referred to as slow fashion.

It is a brand designed for demanding, responsible consumers, at peace with themselves, integrated into the values of Nature, appreciating life as it is and living to the just measure of what satisfies them.

A signature brand

Joana and Catarina belong to the fourth generation of a family dedicated to textiles that for a century has been able to manufacture articles for the home with the wisdom of those who know the unfathomable secrets of the art. Joana has a degree in textile engineering and Catarina in graphic design.